
The aim of the St. James Literary Society
is to not only to share knowledge about current affairs, but
also to promote friendship and humanity. This has been
our mission for the last 126 years, since our founding

Looking to the events we have planned: as usual, the
2023-2024 season features a wide range of topics such
as lowering your risk factors for dementia, environmental
stress initiators, the rise of antimicrobial resistance,

pain management and more.
I ask you to please join us and participate!

Kevin Journeaux, President

Since 1898…

Find out who we are.


Most of our meetings are held online using Zoom.
If you have never attended one of our previous meetings, send us your email address and we will ensure to invite you to the following Zoom meetings.


We invite you to download our program:

If for some reason, you would feel better having the printed copy, drop us a word with your address and postal code and it will be taken care of.


This year again, we want to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support: